General information
It is a service offered by the Library of the University of Valladolid, which allows the loan of a wide range of documents ranging from books to laptops, digital cameras, lockers, USB memory sticks, headphones, tripods, etc. Depending on the type of user and the type of material loaned, the loan regulations will be different. Interlibrary loans will be carried out between libraries, whether Spanish or foreign, at the request of the user who requires a document that is not in our collection.
Library card
The University card enables you to make use of our services. This card is provided when the student, PDI or PTGAS becomes part of the University community.
Currently there are two types of cards that can accredit us as members of the UVa community:
- The UVa Virtual Smart Card (vTUI) allows you to identify yourself as a member of the University of Valladolid and access certain facilities and services, including the University Library. It is embedded in the UVaApp mobile app and does not require application. The update is automatic.
The UVa Smart Card (TUI) is the plastic version of the vTUI. It is in the process of being phased out. Currently, its issuance is limited to exceptional cases in which some service cannot be technically solved with the vTUI on the phone or other alternative means. It requires a reasoned request and specific approval as detailed below.
Do I have to apply for the card?
All UVa users who have paid the Identity Card fee (Carnet Universitario) receive the vTUI through the UVaApp application.
The Identity Card (Carnet Universitario) fee is paid only once when the student enrolls for the first time at the University of Valladolid. This fee is intended to contribute to the technological costs of UVa's digital identity systems.
IMPORTANT!: The only step you have to do personally is to upload and validate an ID photo (ID type).
For other groups that are not currently linked to the UVa, but are entitled to access some of our services, the card can be requested at the Queen Sofia Library or at the various libraries that make up the Service. The types of users who can obtain this type of card can be seen in point "2.2 Types of users" of the University Library's Lending Regulations:
To do so, proceed as follows:
- If you are still in possession of the UVa card, it will be sufficient to bring it, along with your ID card, academic degree or proof of the condition for which you are requesting the card, and a duly completed form, which will be given to you at the library or which can be downloaded from here.
- If you do not have a UVa card, you will have to submit a photo and show both your ID card and the academic degree or proof of the condition for which you are requesting the card, along with a duly completed form.
If you wish to bring all the documentation prepared, you can download the download the FORM here.
Also, for reasons of proximity, etc., you may deliver the documentation to any other UVa Library and request that the card be sent to you there.
What types of loans does BUVa offer?
How to renew and reserve books in UVa libraries?
Intercentre loans: How to request books from other UVa libraries?
Access to the facilities
During the current academic year, library users (UVa/BUVa card), can access our facilities, with the usual schedule, from 8 to 20.45h, except for some exceptions that you can see in opening times.
Self-loan/return machines
In order for you to be able to make your loans independently, we have self-loaning/return machines available. As you know, they have a printer but, for ecological reasons, we ask you not to make excessive use of paper printing.
Lending regulations
Home lending is governed by the Regulations approved by the Standing Committee of the UVa Governing Council on 7 October 2021. These regulations establish different loan conditions (in terms of terms, number of documents borrowed, renewals, sanctions) depending on the type of user and the type of copy.
Home loans to students last between 3 and 14 days, depending on the type of work, with a limit of 15 works per applicant, without specifying the type of document.
Special loans for holidays, teachers and administrative and service staff
There is a special loan during holidays and specific conditions for teachers and administrative and service staff.
How can I check my loan (days missing, etc.)?
Each user will be able to check the status of their loans (borrowed documents, due dates, sanctions) as well as carry out some related operations (renewals, reservations) and update or change data in their personal file, by accessing the BUVa website at ALMENA: and identifying themselves with their UVa passwords.
Contact details
Interlibrary Loan - University of Valladolid
Reina Sofía General University Library
C/ Chancillería, 6
ES-47003 Valladolid
Tlf: 0034 983 18 4061
Interlibrary Loan (@) Link
All the information: INTERLIBRARY LOAN
The UVa Library offers the university community a laptop loan service. This initiative aims to facilitate access to electronic resources and provide a mobile Internet access point through the WIFI network. In order to use them, all you have to do is request them at the information and loan point of your respective library.
It is a service to support learning, so its use will be for academic purposes, linked to study and research activities.
In the lending regulations it can be seen that there are different types of loans:
- Hourly loan: the loan is for 4 hours and must be returned before the library closes.
- Frequent loan: the loan is for one day, without renewal (it can be returned the following day).
- Full-day loan: to be returned before the library closes.
- Holiday lending (at Easter and Christmas)
Depending on your needs, it is advisable that you inform yourself about the type of loan. In most of the libraries, the type of loan is Frequent Loan, except Palencia Campus Library, where the loan is exclusively by hours (May 2024).
IMPORTANT: Laptop loan on an exceptional basis
In other libraries there is a variety of loan types: Architecture Library, EII Library, Miguel Delibes Campus and Segovia Campus Libraries, Libraries of Commerce, Health Sciences Library and Queen Sofia Library. Please bear this in mind when requesting one.
Do you want to know which laptops are available?
>> Consult the catalogue of laptops on loan: CONSULT NOW
Any doubts?
If you have any doubts: contact the library staff.

Image by Freepik
The UVa library offers the university community the digital camera loan service.
Regulations for the loan of digital cameras (Dec. 2021)
The Library provides this individual loan service of LOCKERS in order to make it easier for students to deposit their personal belongings for greater convenience in the use of Library services.
Regulations for the loan of lockers
The UVa Library makes available to its users through the Alma system various objects on loan, which are governed by the Regulations approved by the Standing Committee of the Governing Council of the UVa on 7 October 2021.
Objects subject to loan
- USB sticks.
- Lecterns.
- Calculators.
- Extension cords.
- Computer mice.
- Headphones.
- Tripods.
- Card readers.
- Electronic book readers.
- Chess
- Projectors and scanners
The loan of old books and documents for exhibitions is a way of contributing to the wider dissemination of the collections of libraries and archives. Requests for old books and documents, which form part of the Documentary and Bibliographic Heritage of Spanish Historical Heritage (articles 49.2 and 50 of Law 16/1985 of 25 June 1985 on Spanish Historical Heritage), for exhibitions commemorating historical events are becoming increasingly frequent, with the risk that this entails (loss, deterioration, etc.). For this reason, and although the conditions of transport and installation of the works are becoming safer every day, a series of precise measures must be taken to eliminate the risk or reduce it as much as possible, establishing the guidelines that must be followed, in this matter, in the management of the libraries and the Archive of the University of Valladolid.