Get to know the UVa library
General information (card)
The University card enables you to make use of our services. This card is provided to people who are part of the university community: Students, PDI and PAS.
For those groups that are not currently linked to the UVa, but have the right to access some of our services. The card can be requested at any of the different libraries that make up the Service.
Further information: Explanatory leaflet
The Library has 1 video, oriented to the PDI (teaching and research staff), where we explain the most important aspects of our website:
The Library has 1 video, aimed at students, where we explain the most important aspects of our website:
Tutorials and information sexenios call for proposals 2023
All the information concerning the current call is being updated on the ANECA call 2023 website.
It will also be of interest:
Guide "Library with Research-BcI":
Interesting: ANECA is clarifying some of the most burning questions about this call in its FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
Likewise, you can also ask for support to ANECA through its portal through its ANECA responds service.
The library of the University of Valladolid has set up an e-mail address for any query or request for advice in relation to this call for sexenios:
Access the template of metrics and quality indicators, adapted to the criteria of the current call for sexenios... HERE
InInfographic REBIUN sexenios Call 2023
You can also access the document prepared for the training session held on 16 January by our colleagues from the Segovia Campus Library
You can also send an email to
The Complutense University Library has also carried out training sessions on these topics, which you can see on their Youtube channel:
- Sexenios 2023: main novelties and recommended metrics
- Sexenios 2023 workshop: Health and Experimental Sciences 15012024
- Sexenios 2023 Workshop: Humanities and Social Sciences
- How to exclude self-citations in Web of Science and Scopus
From the Library/CRAI of the Pablo Olavide University:
From the International University of La Rioja (UNIR):
This session explains the main aspects that a researcher must take into account when selecting his or her best contributions. It also explains how to defend them with solvency, making use of quantitative and qualitative indicators that accredit their academic and social value. In addition, the new features of the current Aneca call (open science, qualitative assessment or narrative bibliometrics, among others) are detailed.
Services Tutorials
In the following videos you can see how to request books from other UVa libraries and how to renew books that still allow it:
The Yutera Library has produced the following video where the steps to follow for a good bibliographic search are outlined:
In the following documents you will see how to access WoS and Scopus if you are outside the UVa domain:
Below is a series of guides, produced by Library staff, on Research:
- Library Guide to Research (BcI):
- Guide to the UVa Transformative Agreements to publish in open access:
- Research data:
- Guide to Evaluation of research activity:
If you have difficulty for the machine to detect your vTUI (UVa app card), move your mobile phone as far away as possible from the reader, and use the reduced option of the card.
General tutorials (Dialnet, WoS, Scopus....)
If you want to know how to get the most out of the Almena catalogue, the following guide will make it easier:
FECYT, together with Clarivate Analytics and Elsevier, makes available to the scientific and research community all the necessary material for both classroom and online training courses, as well as the recordings that have been made of the different courses that have been carried out for subsequent viewing by those interested. It can be consulted at:
Training material (Pdf and vídeos)
You can also find training material on the Clarivate website:
Guide-WOS-2023 (Prepared by BUVa Central Services staff)
On the Clarivate website, you can view the following training documentation on Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Presentation on "Normas APA-2023" (Personal elaboration Segovia Campus Library)
On 15 November 2023 an online training session was held for the UVa Community on the Mendeley bibliographic manager. You can watch the recording of the session in the following link:
Below you can access a tutorial about this manager:
More information:
- Migration to Mendeley from other bibliographic managers
- Pills from Oliver Martín, UCM librarian, about the new Reference Manager: Youtube
Specific tutorials by subject area
- DETAIL Tutorial (January-2024, personal elaboration Architecture Library)
- Tutorial DOCOMOMO (January-2024, personal elaboration Architecture Library)
- Tutorial URBADOC (January-2024, personal elaboration Architecture Library)
- ICONDA-oct.2023...Tutorial provider (OVID) and link to recording training session Oct.2023
- EBSCOHost-Tutorial (Jan.2024, personal elaboration Architecture Library)
- InDICEs-CSIC-Tutorial (Jan.-2024, staff elaboration Architecture Library)
- Architectural Databases (January-2024, staff elaboration Architecture Library)
- Electronic books on architecture (January-2024, elaborated by staff Architecture Library)
- Electronic journals on architecture (January-2024, staff elaboration Architecture Library)
Legal Sciences:
- Guide on juridical resources prepared by staff from the Law School Library
- Training session videos
Social Sciences:
- ABI-INFORM (Proquest): ABI Inform ProQuest Libguide (Spanish)
- Ovid Resource Centre (Spanish)
- ECONLIT-oct.2023...Tutorial provider (OVID) and link to recording training session Oct. 2023
- Ovid Resource Centre (Spanish)
- DSI’s Campus Solution:
- OECD iLibrary:
How to obtain financial information: training session given by Jorge Martín, Relationship Manager - Academic & Public Sector at Bureau Van Dijk, to Moody's Analytics Company (via YouTube channel of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- SABI: User's Guide
Electronic resources. Databases guides:
ACM: (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
AIP/Scitation: (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
IEEE Xplore: (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
- (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
- Información IET: INSPEC
- ProQuest LibGuides: INSPEC
- Inspec on Proquest Dialog: A User Guide
- Dialog quick reference guide
- INSPEC online help on the ProQuest platform
- (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
- MathSciNet Tutorials Menu
- MathSciNet QuickStart Guide
- (Staff elaboration Miguel Delibes Campus Library)
- Guía SciFinder-n (Spanish SciFinder-n Guide)
- More guides and tutorials:
FSTA-oct.2023... Tutorial provider (OVID) and link to training session recording Oct. 2023
Health Science Tutorials:
- ClinicalKey Student Nursing (Personal elaboration Health Sciences Library)
- Cochrane
- Searching in Enferteca (Personal elaboration Health Sciences Library)
- Searching Panamericana's Eureka e-Books (Eureka) (Personal elaboration Health Sciences Library)
- UpToDate...Three guides from Wolters Kluwer:
- FSTA...Vendor utorial (OVID)
- MEDLINE-oct.2023... Tutorial provider (OVID) and link to training session recording Oct. 2023