Recommended bibliography (LEGANTO)
The Library of the UVa, offers a new search tool related to the recommended bibliography called LEGANTO. This online application will allow to integrate the recommended bibliography in the teaching guides, with the existing funds in the library, so that the user can check what documents we have in the library of each subject, location, availability, type of support, etc..
How to get there:
- Consultation from Almena. If you only want to consult the recommended bibliography, you can do so from the catalogue itself:
From here, a new screen will open which will take you to the Recommended Bibliography itself.
- You can go directly to: Recommended bibliography-Leganto. If you are authorised for the edition, in the upper right hand side (Guest) you will be able to log in identifying yourself with your UVa passwords.
Material of interest: Leganto Handbook for Teachers
If you notice any incident, please report it to any of the libraries of the system.
Bibliographic managers
Mendeley is a bibliographic reference manager that combines a web version with a desktop version, incorporating features of the social Web that allow connection between researchers, comments and shared annotations on documents in pdf format and the promotion of their own work.
UVa has an institutional version.
This is because since a few months ago personal Mendeley subscriptions have been valid for 1 year, and from that moment on, either they are automatically updated if the user accesses from UVa, or they receive an e-mail to access their account from the institution in 10 days (e.g. those people who have not used Mendeley in months, or those who usually access from home and not from here).
The purpose of this procedure is to remove alumni or other users who no longer belong to MIE institutions.
Therefore, what you have to do is to access Mendeley from UVa. This should automatically renew it for another year.
On 15 November 2023 an online training session was held for the UVa Community on the Mendeley bibliographic manager. You can watch the recording of the session in the following link:
Below you can access a tutorial about this manager:
More information:
- Migration to Mendeley from other bibliographic managers
- Pills from Oliver Martín, UCM librarian, about the new Reference Manager: Youtube
If you have any doubts: