Training plan

In each academic year the training offer is specified in a Training Plan. You can already see the UVa Library TRAINING PLAN REPORT, Academic Year 2023/2024

You can also see the last ones:

In order to meet this objective, the Library's User Training Service offers different training sessions.

1. Informative/training sessions for incoming undergraduate and master's degree students.

2. Training in Information Competences with credit recognition, mainly aimed at undergraduate students.

2.1. Online sessions (MOODLE PLATFORM).

2.2. Face-to-face sessions (PRESENT)

Students of the University of Valladolid can select among the University Activities in the Undergraduate Studies the INFORMATION SKILLS TRAINING.

The Governing Council of the University approves for the academic year 2023-2024 all the Information Skills Training Activities organized by the Library. Therefore, all those included in the Training Plan for the academic year 2023-24 proposed by the Library will have credit recognition. Resolution of the Rector's Office of 24 January 2018 (BOCyL 31-01-2018)

Students will be able to register for the training sessions they are most interested in, as the Library offers courses throughout the academic year. These activities will be published in this Training blog, as well as in the different blogs of the UVa Libraries.


    • Enroll in the activity: To do so, you must contact the units responsible for its organization, the Library, in accordance with the deadlines and conditions established by them through the corresponding public calls.
    • Participate in the selected activity: You must meet the academic requirements that have been established and participate in any evaluation or control processes that may be applicable.
    • Obtain the certificate: Must accredit the completion of the activity and the passing of the evaluation or control tests that are established. The accreditation will be materialized with the issuance of the training certificate.
    • Request recognition: The student must request the recognition of the optional credits to which the certificate entitles (25 h=1 ECTS) in the administrative unit of the corresponding center or campus, proceeding to the payment of the corresponding public fees.Request

3.  Information Resources for Doctoral Students, in collaboration with ESDUVA.

4. Training of subscribed electronic resources, in collaboration with the companies supplying the subscribed resources.

5. Non-credit training given by library staff. These sessions can be online (with Moodle) or face-to-face and can be consulted in the Training Library tab "Information/training sessions"

6.-Depending on the training offer of other services, such as VirtUVa, the Library staff is sometimes also required to give training sessions on specific resources or services, which are announced in due course.

University of Valladolid. Library
c/ Chancillería 6
47003 Valladolid (Spain)